“Hello, friends! Welcome back to another post 200 daily use English words with meanings. As you’re aware, when we’re learning any language, it’s important to understand its vocabulary in order to fully grasp the language’s various forms like reading, writing, listening and speaking. English is no exception to this rule. In this post, we will learn 200 frequently used words with meanings in Hindi. These words are commonly used in our everyday conversations, making them an essential part of our communication.
“Knowing a lot of words is helpful when you talk to others. It lets you create nice sentences. In this post, we’re going to learn about 200 English words. But it’s not only about memorizing them – you should also practice them in your everyday conversations. This will help you understand and know how to use words in real-life situations.”
नमस्कार दोस्तों! आप सभी का स्वागत है 200 English words with meaings वाले इस पोस्ट में। जैसा कि आप जानते हैं, चाहे आप इंग्लिश बोलना सीख रहे हो या फिर लिखना, पढ़ना या फिर इंग्लिश सुनना सीखे रहे हो | Words meanings की जानकारी होना आपके लिए बेहद जरूरी होता है। बिना English Vocabulary के, आप किसी भी भाषा को समझने और सीखने में कठिनाई महसूस करते हैं
200 English words with meaning
Act | अभिनय |
Add | जोड़ना |
Big | बड़ा |
Why | क्यों |
Men | पुरुषो |
For | के लिए |
But | लेकिन |
You | आप |
Had | था |
And | और |
Can | कर सकना |
Out | बाहर |
How | कैसे |
Set | जोडा |
Off | बंद |
Try | प्रयास |
Any | कोई भी |
New | नया |
Man | आदमी |
Get | प्राप्त |
Our | हमारा |
Say | कहना |
Low | कम |
Day | दिन |
Two | दो |
Him | उसे |
Her | उसको |
Has | है |
See | देखना |
Own | खुद |
Son | बेटा |
Sun | सूरज |
Run | भागना |
Eat | खाना |
Few | कुछ |
Cut | कटोती |
Got | मिला |
Car | कार |
Red | लाल |
Dog | कुत्ता |
Top | उपर |
Hot | गरम |
Yes | हां |
Six | छह |
Ten | दस |
Lay | रखना |
War | युद्ध |
Bed | बिस्तर |
Bat | बल्ला |
Hat | टोपी |
Cow | गाय |
Ear | कान |
Fit | फिट |
Lot | भाग |
Key | चाबी |
Buy | खरीदना |
Lie | झूट बोलना |
Hit | मारना |
Rub | रगड़ना |
Sky | आकाश |
Art | कला |
Leg | पैर |
Cat | बिल्ली |
Sit | बैठना |
Arm | हाथ |
Race | दौड़ |
Wide | चौड़ा |
job | नौकरी |
Level | स्तर |
Wife | पत्नी |
Born | जन्मा |
Camp | शिविर |
Shoe | जूता |
Nine | नो |
That | की |
From | से |
Call | बुलाना |
Fat | मोटा |
Dad | पापाजी |
Bar | मधुशाला |
Win | जीतना |
Shop | दुकान |
Nose | नाक |
Salt | नमक |
Gray | भूरा |
Anger | गुस्सा |
Select | चयन |
Claim | दावा |
Right | सही |
Light | प्रकाश |
Bright | उज्ज्वल |
Throw | फेकना |
Broad | विस्तृत |
Repeat | दोहराना |
Shine | चमक |
Content | सामग्री |
Contact | संपर्क |
College | महाविद्यालय |
Collection | संग्रह |
Company | संगठन |
With | साथ |
Word | शब्द |
They | बे |
Their | उनके |
What | क्या |
When | कब |
Then | तब |
Since | जबसे |
Where | कहाँ |
Once | एक बार |
Time | समय |
Upon | के उपर |
Over | से उपर |
Under | नीचे |
Above | उपर |
Below | नेचे |
Never | कभी नहीं |
Some | कुछ |
Other | अन्य |
Which | कौन |
Said | कहना |
Small | छोटा |
Smell | गंध |
Also | भी |
Want | चाहना |
Well | ठीक |
Play | खेलना |
Player | खिलाडी |
Team | समूह |
Ground | भूमि |
Must | चाहिए |
Such | ऐसा |
High | ऊँचा |
Very | बहुत |
Allow | अनुमति देना |
Large | बड़ा |
Fellow | साथी |
Hand | हाथ |
Bridge | पुल |
Read | पड़ना |
Why | क्यों |
Not | नहीं |
Discover | खोजना |
Invert | पलटना |
Useful | उपयोगी |
Yourself | खुद |
Useless | अनुपयोगी |
Change | परिबर्तन |
Gather | इकठा |
Arrange | व्यवस्था करना |
Complete | पूरा |
Family | परिवार |
Background | प्रष्ठभूमि |
Young | युवा |
Usual | सामान्य |
Wonder | आश्चर्य |
Decide | तय करना |
Thanks | धन्यवाद् |
Welcome | स्वागत |
Human | मानव |
Sure | पक्का |
Without | के बगेर |
Something | कुछ कुछ |
Available | उपलब्द |
General | सामान्य |
Process | प्रक्रिया |
Specific | विशिष्ट |
Enough | पर्याप्त |
Among | के बीच मै |
Snow | वर्फ |
Bring | लाना |
Shape | आकार |
destination | स्थान |
favorite | पसंदीदा |
Arrive | पहुचना |
departure | प्रस्थान |
train | रेल |
Friend | दोस्त |
Heat | गरम |
Reason | कारण |
Relief | राहत |
Performance | प्रदर्शन |
Book | किताब |
Method | विधि |
Play | खेल |
Whether | मौसम |
High | ऊँचा |
Market | बाज़ार |
Problem | परेशानी |
Bird | पक्षी |
Change | बदलाब |
Interest | दिलचस्पी |
Knowledge | ज्ञान |
Economy | अर्थव्यवस्था |
Real | वास्तव में |
Television | दूरदर्शन |
Younger | छोटा |
Weekly | साप्ताहिक |
Transport | परिवहन |
Service | सेवा |
Restaurant | भोजनालय |
Temporary | अस्थायी |
Permanent | स्थायी |
Tale | कहानी |
Suppose | मान लेना |
Sympathy | सहानुभूति |
Submit | प्रस्तुत |
Surgery | शल्यचिकित्सा |
Stupid | बेवकूफ |
Conclusion – Friends in the above article we have learned 200 daily used english words meanings in Hindi. Practice these words so that you can use them in your day-to-day life in english conversation. If you are a beginner in english we would suggest our other articles which would help you to start your journey of learning english speaking-
- 100 Daily use english sentences Click here
- 100 Daily use english words Click here
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